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Solar for Data Centres

Data centres are the veritable engine of any modern organization. Data being today’s biggest asset, the data centres are invaluable cogs in the wheels of progress. They take up large spaces and a lot of power. One of the major concerns revolving around data centres is the quality of power. A consistent and uninterrupted power […]

How does Solar help your energy efficiency?

Solar energy is the fastest adopted renewable technology in the last decade. Solar, along with other renewable energy sources like wind, hydropower, biomass are expected to replace coal-based electricity production in the next 50 years. Governments and private corporations are investing heavily in renewable energy projects. Solar gained popularity since it can be used both […]

Distributed Energy featured in World Energy Council’s SET100

The company behind www.de.energy and www.renewables.org featured in the SET100 list 2021. SET stands for Start Up Energy Transition. SET100 is powered by Germany Energy Agency (dena) in cooperation with the World Energy Council. Distributed Energy also featured in the SET100 list in 2020.   You can view the announcement and the list here.

Solar Regulations in Andhra Pradesh, 2021

By Krishna Prasad, Junior Analyst, Distributed Energy Andhra Pradesh is the second largest clean energy producer in India. The state currently contributes to 10% of India’s renewable energy production with a total capacity of 8,220MW. At present, the state has installed more than 3,500MW of solar power plants. Even during the midst of the pandemic, […]

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