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India’s energy options after COVID-19

By Ruchir Punjabi, Co-Founder, Distributed Energy   I write this not long after the US Oil futures contract price was negative. Oil is trading at unprecedented low levels. Low prices are usually a curse for green energy, but this time may be different. India happens to be the world’s third largest consumer of energy. Currently […]

Comparing Renewable Energy Costs

By Ruchir Punjabi, Co-Founder, Distributed Energy   When we think about investing in energy assets, the primary consideration is what is the customer willing to pay for generation of their power and what is the cost to generate it? Historically, it was not just about the cost of power, but also about creating an energy […]

Coping-20: Survive, and then Thrive through COVID-19

By Ruchir Punjabi, Co-Founder, Distributed Energy   There is a popular meme circulating – who is responsible for your company’s digital transformation – A) The CTO, B) The CEO or C) COVID-19? Most entrepreneurs and businesses are struggling in the current environment, but every crisis offers opportunities, and this is no different. Before I go […]

Implementing Net Metering in the Developing World

Implementing Net Metering in the Developing World from Ruchir Punjabi This presentation was prepared to promote the implementation of net metering in a particular country we operate in. The document examines the feasibility of net metering as an enabling policy and to what extent it can foster private investment in renewable energy and broaden the nation’s energy […]

The case for Solar Energy Assets in your Investment Portfolio

By Ruchir Punjabi, Co-Founder, Distributed Energy   As I write this the stock market has just had its most recent downturn. The prophecy of the 10 year bull market continues, although the drops wipe out substantial value. I had a small exposure in this market and was forced to heed to margin calls to hold […]

Guide to Solar Energy and Investing in Solar

Over the last couple of months, we’ve held multiple webinar sessions aimed at educating our audiences on solar power and how it can help you, both as an energy customer and potential investor with Distributed Energy. The below list of questions has been compiled based on the most common questions we’ve been asked during these […]

Models on Energy Savings and Investment Outcomes

In the current investment world, investors have access to a multitude of tricks and tools to choose their investment options from, based on their risk appetite and core values. Investors are becoming increasingly reliant on data-driven strategies to minimize potential financial risks due to market volatility. We have seen why solar investing is becoming one of […]

Solar Savings & IRR: How can CAs help their customers?

You may have heard people talk about how installing solar panels save money for a company. In a simple manner, we will go into details about how solar works, the kind of power you can expect, what sort of savings solar can provide, and what sort of IRR can investor make. An event exclusively for […]

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